Baptisms and Weddings

Baptisms and Weddings

The Bishop of Chichester baptising a child


What’s the difference? They are just two words for the same thing. We regularly have Baptisms at St Michael’s, St Mary's and St Peter's of people of all different ages - please do contact Father Felix for more information.


Baptisms at St Michael's are usually just after the 10.30am Sung Mass on a Sunday. At St Mary's Baptisms are usually on a Sunday afternoon. We like to keep the service simple, tailoring the service to the needs of the family.

If you would like to enquire about having a baptism at one of our churches please complete the form below


Our churches are wonderful places to have your wedding: we can offer a beautiful setting and wonderful acoustics. In terms of music, we have our own organist/pianist who is available if requested, but we can also include soloists and other musicians. We can also play recorded music if preferred. 

Contact Father Felix to discuss what you’d like for your service.

Interior view during a wedding (St Michael's Church)

If you would like to enquire about having a wedding at one of our churches please complete the form below


Vicar: Father Felix Smith

St Michael's Vicarage

117 Penhill Road, Lancing,

BN15 8HD

01903 753653



Parish Office 01903 750286

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